💚Lemon Cake:
You all know the benefits of lemon. How much lemon is necessary for us in this situation now.
So we come up with different recipes for lemon. 💕
💚Here's what we need to make a lemon cake:
- 4 lemons
-1 cup flour
-1 tablespoon baking powder
-1 teaspoon baking soda
-2 eggs
-1 cup sugar
-1 cup powdered milk / liquid will also be
- A little salt
- First you have to break two eggs well, then mix it well with sugar and milk.Now you have to mix flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt together.
- 💚Then you have to mix everything little by little and see if it has been mixed very well, at the end of all you have to take out the juice from the lemon and give it with the juice.
- Must be mixed well again.
- 💚Then I will put the cake in the pot, brush some oil in that pot and pour the mixed things with a piece of paper on the bottom.
- 💚💛Now cover well and cook on medium heat for 20-30 minutes. Then you have to see with a stick whether the cake is complete or not, if there is nothing on the stick then you will understand. 💕
💚Review: Great test, I feel so much better so I shared and now we need to eat more lemons. Everyone stay at home, stay healthy. Eat lemon cake💕
~Risa Rokiya
30 june 2020
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